About Us

What we are about…

  • Listening and promoting to our council what people say through petitions and referendums.
  • Promoting transparency, efficiency, accountability, fiscal responsibility, and a workable governance structure.
  • Clearing the roadblocks and red tape that stand in the way of economic growth and being able to operate a successful business in the city. ​
  • Ending the waste that costs everyone money.
  • Encouraging the council to say “no” to special interests and those who feel they are entitled to their entitlements.
  • Tracking entitlements and sharing them on this website.
  • Promoting good ideas from members of the community to the council, such as how to deliver services effectively and efficiently.
  • We have to live within our means, consequently, our local municipality has to live within our means. Burlington needs to focus on the core services that everyone needs and expects.
  • We are here to remind the council that they represent people who live in Burlington, not city hall staff members.

It is practically impossible to keep up with all the goings on at City Hall, especially when almost all the information comes to the public through the City and council themselves, with very little media out there doing fact checking and asking the tough questions.  We are about watching and monitoring what the City and Council puts out to the public, and sharing and informing on the full picture and the facts, where necessary.  We believe that an informed electorate is vital to democracy and to holding our public officials to account.

We are also about working with the local media to help share articles and to help balance the messages from our council.

Burlington Residents’ Action Group (BRAG) is a provincially incorporated not-for-profit organization. Our initial funding to start the organization came from the founding members. We do not accept donations from any level of government or partisan organization. Our Board of Directors and Advisory Committee are all volunteers.