Thursday, September 19, 2024

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2025 Budget Process: Burlington vs Oakville

Here are some of the key dates from the Burlington GetInvolved website (

Mid-September – Draft budget summary will be presented by Sept 13.

This document is now expected on September 16th or 17th.

November 4, 2024 – Mayor’s release of proposed Budget to Burlington City Council


November 7, 2024 – Telephone Budget Town Hall

Hosted by Mayor Meed Ward, the telephone town hall provides the public with the opportunity to ask their questions about the proposed 2025 budget. 7:00- 8:30 p.m.

November 25, 2024 – Council review of Proposed Budget

Here are Oakville’s key dates:

Here are Oakville’s key dates (

  • October 25 to November 25: Budget Committee consults residents on draft budget
  • December 19: Special Council Meeting to consider the proposed 2025 Budget

Residents in Oakville will have 39 working days between a draft budget release and a vote to approve the budget.

Residents in Burlington will have 15 working days between a draft budget release and a vote to approve the budget.

Here is another example of engagement in Burlington

The getinvolved site includes a survey for residents. This paragraph is the only paragraph to show percentages.

“As we plan this year’s budget, we’re facing inflation, much like our residents and local businesses.  Our 2025 forecast predicts a total tax increase of 5.5%, with 1% for Halton Region services, 4.5% for Burlington services, and no change for education. The city’s tax increase is expected to slow down in the coming years as we reach a more sustainable financial position.”

The city tries to imply that an 8+% budget increase is in line with inflation.

Asking residents for input on an over 8% increase to the budget while talking about inflation and a 4.5% increase makes the survey results meaningless, and the survey a waste of taxpayers’ money. 


Burlington’s 2024 budget book was over 700 pages long. One Burlington resident referred to the budget as War and Peace. Fifteen days is not enough time to read the budget, understand the changes from the previous year, and provide input to the city on the budget.

Both mayors have accepted strong mayor powers from the province. The difference is that Oakville releases a draft budget to fully engage with the community, whereas Burlington does not. Burlington chooses to quote the strong mayor powers legislation that requires a budget to be approved within 30 days, as the reason for not sharing the budget. The strong mayor powers legislation says nothing about draft budgets.

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