Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Effective today a new community-wide residents association has been launched in the City of Burlington. The Association is called the Burlington Residents’ Action Group (“BRAG”). BRAG was created after several months of intensive discussions with a number of concerned citizens, stakeholders, and ratepayers’ associations in other communities.

BRAG’s mission, as outlined in its Constitution, is “To identify, advocate for and promote strong, definitive and effective measures to advance the interests of all Burlington citizens.”  Its mission is to promote measures that ensure Burlington becomes a community “….in which citizens are respected participants and partners in all decisions that affect their interests.”

BRAG’s primary objectives include the following:

  • To promote greater awareness and understanding amongst residents on local and regional issues that impact residents.
  • To actively lobby politicians and civic officials on behalf of residents, and to ensure the interests of residents always remain a paramount concern.
  • To advocate for measures to enhance and protect Burlington’s unique history, culture and character.
  • To support the election of local and regional representatives who support the aims and objectives of our association.

BRAG’s creation came about in response to a number of growing concerns impacting Burlington residents such as increasing taxation, development intensification, urban transportation, flood abatement, Strong Mayor Powers, and a heightened sense that civic leaders are not really listening to residents’ concerns. 

BRAG’s first priority will be the City of Burlington’s municipal budget.  An online petition has been launched calling for three important changes in Burlington’s 2025 budget and related processes:

  • A zero percent increase in taxes for the coming year;
  • Clear language when communicating tax increases;
  • The creation of a transparent and user-friendly process that enhances understanding and awareness.

A hyperlink to the online petition can be found here:

Regarding the city’s 2025 proposed budget BRAG’s President, Eric Stern commented:

If the proposed 2025 increase is approved, for every $1,000 in Burlington property taxes you paid in 2022, you’ll pay $1,387.20 in 2025.

For comparison, the Region of Halton increased the R-Region line, on your final tax bill, by 2.52% in 2023 and 3.05% in 2024. Compounded over two years that’s a 5.65% increase compared to Burlington’s 27.39% increase over the same two years.

“Our Burlington City Council has a spending problem”.

To this end, BRAG members will be actively engaged in the budget review process in the coming months.  Preliminary indications are that the city is proposing an 8.9% increase in municipal taxes for 2025 which, BRAG contends, is wholly unacceptable.  BRAG will be actively participating and attending budget discussions throughout the city, as well as promoting greater community awareness on this and similar issues.

BRAG encourages concerned residents to sign this petition.  Moreover, we welcome residents who, like ourselves, are deeply concerned with the current direction of this city, and feel there is a compelling need to change the overall policy direction. Those seeking more information are welcome to contact us for further details.


Eric Stern


Burlington Residents Action Group (“BRAG”)




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